Galaxy Communicator

Announcing the release of Galaxy Communicator-3.3 and reminder about OSTK-20020125

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We are especially pleased and relieved to announce the release of Galaxy Communicator version 3.3. This is an optional upgrade, although we believe that many sites will find it valuable. The upgrade process from version 3.2 is almost completely transparent, and should involve no modifications for the vast majority of users. We would also like to remind you that the first release of the Open Source Toolkit (OSTK), version 20020125, is available.

The purpose of the 3.3 release is twofold. First, we're introducing the OSTK, which is initially populated with servers moved over from the Galaxy Communicator distribution as well as some previously unreleased servers. Second, we've finally converted the configuration process for Galaxy Communicator to rely entirely on GNU configure, which has allowed us to test and the distribution on a number of auxiliary platforms, including MacOS X 10.1, SGI IRIX, and Intel FreeBSD. We have also improved cross-compilation in this process, and can now report that we have sucessfully run cross-compiled Communicator-compliant servers on iPaq Linux. Other improvements:

We intend to provide revisions of the Open Source Toolkit as the various servers improve and new servers and wrappers become available, so you can expect more frequent releases of the toolkit. Each server in the toolkit will be marked with its own version history, so you can track changes individually as you upgrade.

The GalaxyCommunicator 3.3 distribution comes with extensive documentation (see docs/index.html), a detailed list of new features (see docs/new_features.html), and an upgrade guide for 3.2 installations to 3.3 (see docs/3point3upgrade.html).

Please direct all bug report to the GalaxyCommunicator Bug Tracker on Sourceforge.

The GalaxyCommunicator 3.3 and OSTK 20020125 releases are open source distributions. They are available at

Samuel Bayer
For the Communicator team
Last modified: 22 February 2002 SourceForge Logo