Open Source Toolkit Documentation:

Audio Echo Example Using SoX

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This example is almost identical to the audio echo example, except that the SoX wrapper and its associated GUI are used instead of the audio echo server. Because SoX is threaded by necessity, it does not need to run in threaded mode as the audio echo server must. 

Starting up


% <OSTK_HOME>/examples/cats_sox/script/cats_sox.csh


This example does not yet run on Windows.


Start the servers in order. When the Hub connects to the audio GUI server, two windows will appear. See the audio GUI server documentation for more details about how to use this GUI. Note especially that the audio GUI may require JDK 1.4 in order to run reliably. When the Hub connects to the SoX GUI server, the SoX GUI window will appear.

Once all the servers are up and the audio GUI is started, press the "Off Hook" button on the keypad. The initial configuration is full-duplex, streaming, with barge-in and VAD enabled. You should be able to control each of these parameters in the controller GUI.

Initially, the SoX GUI is configured as a pass-through, and provides functionality identical to the audio echo server. Because it's inherently not as efficient, it introduces more of a lag in streaming mode than the audio echo server. Once you've established connectivity, you can try a few things:

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Last updated October 2, 2002