Open Source Toolkit Documentation:

The MITRE Oracle Server

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The MITRE DB server is based on MIT's SQL server. It is a Communicator-compliant server which serves as an Oracle SQL client.


History and plans

This is a stable implementation from Galaxy Communicator 3.2 distribution. It is no longer supported because we're trying to concentrate on support for open source software, and Oracle is a product. We do support a PostGres wrapper.

Version history


Command line

<OSTK_ROOT>/bin/db_server ...

Default port


Command line arguments

static char *oas[] = {
  "-dblogin un_pw", "<username>/<password>[@host] for database login", "flights/flights@muddy",
  "-maxrows <mr>", "maximum number of rows to be returned", "1000",
 This server also accepts the standard server arguments. See the command-line argument parsing library in the Galaxy Communicator documentation for details.

Message set

sql_query sends a query to the database and returns the result set in a single frame.
  parameter type optional depends on description/constraints
IN: :query string     SQL query string
  :maxrows integer yes   maximum number of rows to be returned for this query.  This value is bounded by the maximum row count set on the command line (or by the default value if the not specified on the command line)
OUT: :query_result list of frames     result of the query. Answer is of the form
{c result
   :nfound <integer: number of results>
   :column_names <list of strings: names of columns>
   :values <list of lists of ints and strings: sequence
            of rows, in same order as columns>

This message returns a frame.

reinitialize ignores the frame it's passed (it just returns it).

Messages issued


Known bugs

None yet.

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Last updated January 25, 2002