Open Source Toolkit Documentation:

The MITRE UI Server

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In the original MIT Galaxy configuration, the batchmode server takes the place of audio + recognition, and serves a sequence of utterances to the "rec" program. The three servers here (C shell, Python shell, and Python/Tk GUI) all perform the same function interactively, using the MITRE Galaxy stdin polling utility. The C executable is called c_ui; the Python shell executable is py_ui, and the Python/Tk executable is py_gui_ui.


History and plans

These implementations originated in the Galaxy Communicator 3.2 distribution. We will eventually produce a single server which combines this server with IO podium.

Version history


Command line

<OSTK_HOME>/bin/c_ui ...
<OSTK_HOME>/bin/py_ui ...
<OSTK_HOME>/bin/py_gui_ui ...

Default port


Command line arguments

#define DefaultPrompt "Type a sentence: "
#define DefaultProgram "rec"

static char *OAS[] = {
  "-prompt <str>", "use this prompt", DefaultPrompt,
  "-prog_name <name>", "name of program to send messages to", DefaultProgram,

This server also accepts the standard server arguments. See the command-line argument parsing library in the Galaxy Communicator documentation for details.

Message set

reinitialize prints a greeting, if present. This is the primary way in which thiese servers differ from the batchmode server.
  parameter type optional depends on description/constraints
IN: :greeting string yes   greeting from Hub

enable_input delivers output to the UI server and enables input for the next utterance. In addition to handling string output, it's also possible to pass a random Gal_Object to this dispatch function for presentation. This server can thus be used to debug (or collect data for) arbitrary interactions with the Hub which begin with an input string.
  parameter type optional depends on description/constraints
IN: :paraphrase_string string yes   paraphrase of last question
  :reply_string string yes   answer to last question
  :object unrestricted yes   object to be printed out
  :utterance_id integer yes   utterance index to start at 

This message returns a frame.

Messages issued

The UI server issues a message to the Hub of this form, each time a new utterance is typed in:
{c <program_name>
   :mode "typed"
   :utterance_id <integer>
   :input_string <string>
   :hyp_id 0
This is virtually identical to the input provided by the batchmode server, and is compatible with other MIT program files. The program name is "rec" by default, but can be modified with the -prog_name command line argument.

Known bugs

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Last updated January 25, 2002